Empresa de tradução: quando contratar esse tipo de serviço?
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The sworn translator is an essential professional if you are looking to leave the country. Be it for business trips, a short exchange or for permanent residence, you must take documents that are in the language of the destination country. So, only a specialist in the area is able to help you.

            Also known as document translator, they translate official records to several languages from Portuguese. Generally, they are found in companies specialized in translation, offering a meticulous service. In this post, we will discuss the advantages of a sworn translator and which documents require this service.

The importance of a sworn translator.

            Hiring a sworn translator is important whenever the validation of documents in other languages is required. In this case, a professional will translate your records in a precise manner, also being liable for their truthfulness. Thus, the translation must not have any mistakes or incoherence.

            Contrary to other types of translation, the documents may not be translated by non-expert professionals. As they need legal validation, they shall be translated by a sworn translator. Also, the translator must be appropriately authorized by the Trade Board of your state.

            Choosing to hire this service will bring you great peace of mind and safety. This is because you will be certain that the sworn translator will perform an objective and correct service. Also, it will allow regulating situations or actions that happen overseas. In the case of marriages, for example, the papers must be valid in Brazil too.

Tradutor juramentado e a sua relevância em diversos países

Documents that require sworn translation

            Contrary to what many imagine, there are various documents that require a translator. They will be required whenever you enter or leave a country. If they are in a foreign language, they shall be presented to the Brazilian Justice with the attached translation. See below some of the main records that require a sworn translator:

  • Wills;
  • Sentences;
  • Power of attorney;
  • Passports;
  • Manifest;
  • Documents of foreign vessels;
  • Records from legal proceedings;
  • Contracts;
  • Certificates of origin;
  • Birth, marriage and death certificates;
  • Driving licenses;
  • Minutes;
  • In the case of school or university enrolments, it is also necessary to present school transcripts and diplomas with translation.
  • For documents in foreign language in Brazil, there are some entities and departments that demand sworn translation.

What are the requirements to be a sworn translator?

            In order to be a sworn translator, you must be approved in a competitive exam and meet some mandatory requirements. So, you must be approved in a written translation exam, both in the source language and the foreign one. You must also be approved in a verbal exam.

            As for the requirements, the candidate shall be at least 21 years old and be a naturalized citizen in the country. Also, you must have been living for at least one year in the state where you will be working and not be included in any ongoing legal proceeding. Finally, for men, they also must have their situation with the Military Service regularized.            

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