Translation of documents to Italian and its functions
Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos

The translation of documents to Italian is a service of great importance. After all, it is with it that people are able to, for example, recognize the so longed-for citizenship. However, before this happens, a number of documents and certificates are required to start the process.

            Besides the citizenship, many people look for translation of documents to be able to study in another country. And Italy is a location desired by many students from all around the world. But, for that, there is a long path ahead. In today’s post, we will discuss the translation of documents to Italian and when you might use it.

What is the translation of documents to Italian?

            The translation of documents to Italian is the formal translation to such language. This means that only with this service your documents will be valid in another country, such as Italy. So, it becomes accepted by several bodies, entities, universities and companies.

            So, it is unthinkable to leave the country of origin without hiring such service. Even because it is through it that RG (ID), CPF (taxpayer’s ID number), certificates (birth, marriage or death) and CNH (driver’s license) become internationally valid. It also covers school documents such as transcript, or legal ones such as warrants.

            Thus, the translation of documents to Italian works in a similar way to the service of a registry office. Its function is to translate not only documents, but also seals, signatures, authentications and titles. And it must be performed with all the official standards. Even if it is delivered digitally.

Tradução de documentação para o italiano e suas funções

Uses of the translation of documents

            One of the main reasons for using the translation of documents to Italian is the citizenship. But this is one of the last steps when requesting this service. Because, first of all, you must prove that your documents are in full text. Keep reading because we will explain it all!

            What are documents in full text, after all? Well, this is a designation to say that your documents are complete. Meaning that they are not missing any information, annotations or registrations. So, you may request these documents in a registry office to obtain them in this version.

            Since the Apostille Convention, all certificates shall be translated in order to be recognized. Thus, the following documents must be translated:

  • Original birth certificate;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Death certificate;
  • Negative Naturalization Certificate (CNN).

            But, as we said above, it is important to emphasize that all these documents must be in full text. If not, as established in the Apostille Convention, they won’t be valid for entry in the country. And this is regardless of being translated. So, this is valid for all those who dream about spending a long period or residing in the country.

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