Blog – Brazil Translations

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Interpretação remota proporciona modernidade para tradução
Brazil Translations!

La interpretación remota proporciona modernidad a la traducción

Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos La interpretación remota ha sido considerada uno de los mayores avances tecnológicos dentro del mundo de la traducción. Y eso se intensificó aún más tras la pandemia de Covid-19, que determinó medidas como el aislamiento social generalizado. En verdad, la comunicación es crucial para el intercambio de alimentos, salud y otros servicios.             Diversos sectores …

Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting: what is the difference?
Brazil Translations!

Remote interpreting offers modernity to translation

Tempo de leitura: 2 minutos             Remote interpreting has been considered one of the biggest technological advancements in the world of translation. And this has intensified even more after the Covid-19 pandemic, which established measures such as the generalized social isolation. After all, communication is crucial for the exchange of food, health and other services.             Several sectors in the …