Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting: what is the difference?
Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos

Technical translation is a service to translate content of specific topics, such as articles. Its relevance is huge for scientific development, but also supports different areas of knowledge. So, it allows the access to relevant content for as many people as possible.

            As it is among one of the most specialist translation services, it is necessary to have the help of a qualified professional. This is because this way of translating is directed to a purpose and focusing on a certain type of audience. So, in this post you will see how technical translation works and why it is so important.

What is the role of technical translation?

            Technical translation is aimed mainly at technical content. Thus, its main focus is on scientific articles, experiments and research. Also, care is taken to maintain the text truthful to the original, going through all the ideas proposed by the author.

            So, it serves the most varied study areas. It is active within medicine, chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy and social sciences. It also serves more applied areas such as engineering, architecture, computing and marketing. With its support, articles may be published in journals worldwide.

            Technical translation works with a variety of languages. This will depend much on the country of origin of the article, i.e., where it was written. However, the most usual are English and Spanish. You might also find research in German, French, Italian and even Russian.

The importance of this service within research

            According to a study by National Science Foundation (NSF) Brazil is ranked 12th among countries with published articles. In 2016, there were around 53,000 articles. And these articles represent a number of findings in the world. That is why technical translation is important.

            Let’s assume that an article on the discovery of an illness has been written in Italian. However, a patient that has this illness wants to access this document, but the patient only speaks English. It is in this context that technical translation emerges, in order to be able to take this new knowledge to the largest number of interested people.

            It is also due to this reason that technical translation is among the main ways of translating. This work has global relevance. So, it is sought globally.

Tradução técnica atende às mais diversas áreas do conhecimento

How is technical translation performed?

            Due to the great responsibility that it carries, technical translation shall be made by expert professionals. This is because they must master not only the languages. Their work also requires mastery of specific knowledge. A medicine study, for example, requires someone who understands the terms used in this area.

            Each research area has its own dictionary of terms. So, this service involves much more than translating from one language to the other. As a parameter, although we know Portuguese very well, it doesn’t mean we understand terms used in engineering. Besides, there are many specific acronyms.

            In summary, technical translation must be performed by professionals with appropriate criteria to each area of knowledge. Its global relevance requires truthful and quality content. This way, it meets perfectly the needs of the customer.

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